Atlanta Discount Furniture | Are you really saving money?

Atlanta Discount Furniture | Are you really saving money?

A lot of my friends ask me if furniture store sales are real or fake. What I often find myself telling them is that you have no true Click here to shop at Freeman Furniture Designs!idea of whether you’re saving money unless you are aware of a furniture dealer’s prices prior to a sales event.

If you ever see a 50% OFF furniture sales promotion naturally red flags should go up in your mind. Some furniture dealers will mark an item up by 50% only to turn around and offer a 50% discount. What the average shopper will do is see the regular price (which is inflated) and think that they are saving money because the sales price is lower than the regular price.

I’m not going to criticize how anybody else does business in the furniture industry. I’m just going to say that there is an emotional satisfaction that customers get when they are told that they are getting a discount. My advice is to always do your research. Use the internet and compare prices, delivery charges, taxes, customer service and delivery time.

Here is a simple price comparison that we put together to demonstrate to our customers that our everyday prices are lower than our competitors. You can know for yourself that you are saving money. You don’t have to depend on phony sales to create a false sense of emotional gratitude. You will know for yourself.

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